
Patient Testimonials About Our Belmont, CA Chiropractors

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“I was nearing the end of my rope…”

“Now my back does NOT prevent me from doing anything I want”


I had lower back L2-3 issues for about 8 months before seeing Dr. Wong. It hurt to play golf, hike, sleep, sit, and I took lots of Advil to keep me going. I tried PT and pilates to strengthen my abs and stretch out my back and legs but things still did not get better.

I tried acupuncture, but that did absolutely nothing for me.

Finally, nearing the end of my rope, my orthopedist recommended getting a steroid injection to at least calm things down, which it did, but I knew the pain would return so on a recommendation of my Brother in-law, I decided to see Dr. Wong.

Dr. Wong took x-rays and indeed my back was ‘kinked’ in the lower back area. While I think most backs are not straight, the ‘pinching’ of my spine in the L2-3 area probably had something to do with my back pain. So I began to go in for treatments 3x a week – spinal and neck adjustments.

I do not know the science of it all, and some of it makes sense to me, and while I am not totally pain-free, it is 90% better. What pain remains is easily treated with some key stretches, a few of which were recommended by Dr. Wong. My back felt great within about 7 months of treatment, to the point where my back does NOT prevent me from doing anything I want.

I can play golf and walk the course 4-5 times a week, bike 100 miles a week, stretch and I feel great. I still have to stretch, but I can live with that. At my age of 64, health is everything and I have to say that Dr. Wong’s treatments have allowed me to enjoy the things I love to do -- I am not ready to give up on an active lifestyle yet.

Chiropractors may not work for everyone, but I am glad that it works for me – if you have pain, it is worth a try because health is everything!

-Clifford L.

"No Back Surgery For Me!"


I was in so much pain, I couldn't get out of the car. It was SO bad, I wanted to just have surgery, but instead my husband convinced me to see Dr. Wong that day. He somehow got me out of the car and brought me to your office. This is the best thing I've done for my back!

I love Ballroom Dancing, but there was no way I could do that again, I had excruciating pain from my left hip, down to the back of my leg and foot since March 9th 2010. I tried acupuncture, deep tissue massage, physical therapy, epidural steroid shots, etc, but nothing seemed to relieve my sciatic pain.

I thought surgery was the only way...

I even saw another chiropractor for 8 months, but my pain was getting so worse, I could barely walk! An MRI showed I have a herniated disc between L4 and L5. My mother suggested I see Dr. Harry Wong, who helped her when she had similar symptoms.

After l0 adjustments with Dr. Wong, I was 80% pain free! I am so glad he helped me get better and I didn't need back surgery. I' m done with Initial Intensive Care and now I'm doing care to correct, strengthen and rehabilitate my back!

Thank you so much Dr. Wong,
Stella S., Competition Ballroom Dancer

She had severe scoliosis. Her back angled over 60 degrees. Her spine has been slowly decaying for decades, she was in such pain that she could hardly walk. Being in constant pain she was all but totally disabled. She could only partially function with a cocktail of pain medications.

Hearing of the break-through treatments at our chiropractic center, she decided to fly 6,963 miles to my office to seek help, help that she all but gave up on.

When she arrived, we did a full consultation, a thorough and unique examination and x-rays to determine what could be done. Here are her x-rays, it's enough to make anyone give a second look. Most doctors would say that structural correction would be impossible.

We determined that we could help her with our "Next Generation Chiropractic Care" There have been 2 breakthroughs in the field of spinal correction.

• The cause of uncorrecting scoliosis, misalignments, postural breakdowns and slow spinal collapse is the presence of "Tethered Cord Syndrome." This is often known only in childhood deformities, however new research has shown adults commonly suffer from this condition that is now treatable without surgery.
• The out-moded idea of trying to straighten out a spine by "pushing, shoving, tractioning, cracking or adjusting it straight has proven itself to not work. It has been discovered that only certain vetebrea, that the body could not self-correct, would remain unstable causing the body to over compensate. These over-compensations were then the cause of pain and disability.

Dominic Kastl

When Dominic came to me, here was a young man that was beaten and dispirited. My heart went out to him because I knew how active he once was and saw that he felt beaten, that he felt he can no longer lead an active life. I would feel the same way.

Here’s what he had to say just a few weeks into care. Of course the felt over 50% better right after his first visit

"I've lead an active lifestyle all my life. I grew up on a ranch and wrestled my entire life and this kept me active and strong."

"Then in college while heavily involved in wrestling and all the training that comes with Division 1 sports, I developed low back pain and Sciatica. It was excruciating!! This affected all parts of my life. I tried all forms of treatment including surgery and multiple epidural injections and cortisone injections. I was losing hope."

"I came to Full Motion Chiropractic .... On My Last Leg... with no other options.

AFTER 3 WEEKS OF TREATMENT I COULD NOT BELIEVE THE IMPROVEMENTS. I went from merely walking 10 yards when the pains would debilitate me to NO MORE PAIN WHILE WALKING. I went from EXCRUCIATING PAIN while sitting to NO PAIN while sitting. I went from not wrestling to coaching and wrestling with college wrestlers.
Thank you SO much,

Dominic Kastl"

"At the age of 42, I was suffering from constant back pain. I quit running on my doctor's advice, but still got worse. As time passed I developed sciatica. My doctor had me on physical therapy, pain medication, and had me seeing a sports medicine specialist. By 46, I had two spinal injections and could barely walk.

"At 47 years old, I stepped into Doc Wong's office. I started my adjustments soon after. I'd like to say I got immediate relief. It wasn't so simple. I got better - then worse - then better. Eventually I became pain free. I was doing special exercises to rebuild and strengthen my back.

"Today at 50 years old, I still get adjusted. I've become more active. I started bicycling again at 49 and later bought a new bike. I now ride regularly and recently took up mountain biking.

"Looking back over the past 8 years, I now have goals in my life and am active. Whereas before I looked only at minimizing pain, now I'm "young" again! Exploring life once more!"

- Paul Van Cleave


until I came here to Full Motion Chiropractic!!.

I wanted to take a moment and acknowledge the extraordinary level of care that you've provided, and how that care has significantly improved my health overall. I've been seeing chiropractors for the last 30 years, and though I got temporary relief from my back pains, I needed a better way..

I needed your Corrective Care because short-term, relief care was not the answer. I was getting older and worse and worse. .

Much to my surprise, the plan offered by Full Motion Chiropractic has worked wonders. The frequency of the visits, and the inclusion of regular assessments by the staff have allowed me to achieve a measurable increase to my health, my issues related to the L4 and L5 discs. I believe that it was this approach that has allowed for a continuous healing to occur, and has caused measured improvements in alignment and spacing..

If you trust your health to Full Motion Chiropractic, I'm confident that you'll see improved health, and be in a position to enjoy life more thorougly. .

Thank you again for the care that you provided me, and to others in the community.

Sincerely, Clifford Musante

Cliff M. (Technologist, business leader, motorcycle enthusiast, father, grandfather, and more)

“I Really Don’t Know What I Would Have Done Without Your Care"

At 92 years old, I don’t know where I would be if it were not for Dr. Wong at Full Motion Chiropractic!!!

As a nurse for over 40 years and retiring at 82, Dr. Wong and his staff have been keeping my quality of life at a level that would not be possible without his care. I really don’t know what I would have done without his care. I was in pain, I was not good! I felt blah, tired and low energy. I’ve been to other chiropractors and I can say that there is NO Comparison between the wonderful care here and elsewhere. It’s SO much better.

You and your staff are truly kind, generous, and really concerned about my welfare. And you have wonderful and fresh cookies!!

With all my love,
Martha W., Registered Nurse, Adventurer, Dedicated Wife

Before coming to Wong Chiropractic I had Headaches, Numb hands, and Neck pain I would hurt and felt like I had very low energy. I'm now feeling much better and have NO HEADACHES!! Wong Chiropractic's care is worth everything! Good health without the use of drugs! Try is before anything else. If you think it "might" help--it will!

Charlene D.M.

I came to Wong Chiropractic with lower back pain, and discomfort in and around the shoulder area. I felt better after the first couple of visits! My problem has definitely improved. I am now even sleeping without restlessness. I have also noticed a side benefit of my chiropractic care. Before when I measured myself I was 5'11" in height. After a couple of treatments, I measured myself and did a double-take when the tape said 6'0". Surprise! For anyone who has never been to a chiropractor, I say give it a shot. It did wonders for me. You have nothing to lose--except feeling better!

Gary T.

I came to Wong Chiropractic Center with a herniated disk. I couldn't walk. That's a scary feeling; that's how I felt. I would describe the value of my chiropractic care as high. I liked the idea of repairing my back without surgery and mdicine. I am also not as tight as I was before. It's important to try the least invasive techniques first, then escalate as necessary. I was fortunate: I never had to do anything beyond chiropractic care.

Raymond D.

The fatigue and general malaise I thought was normal with adult life responsibilities and stress is decreasing; and my happy, lighter self is returning! I think the care at Wong Chiropractic Center is many times better than "traditional medical treatment.

Jennifer K.

I first came to Womg Chiropractic Center for help with a back problem. The pain made me feel very bad, and it made my job hard to do. It gave me lots of problems. My treatment has made me feel so much better. I have more energy, and more motivation to work for my business. The value of chiropractic care for me is excellent, and I highly recommend it!

Alex M.

When I first came here, I was very skeptical. I didn't think it would work... now I think chiropractic is... PRICELESS!!

Ruma M.

Thanks to Dr. Wong, I'm 76 years old and healthier than ever. I'm lead a fully active life; just last week I moved over 150 pounds of rock from my back yard to my front yard. I feel young, healthy and spry! I'm not on all the unnecessary drugs that I see so many people my age are taking. Chiropractic has gotten me healthy and is keeping me that way. It's the care I'm getting here at Wong Chiropractic that is making this possible! I'm 76 years old and feel like I'm 40.

Dorothy R.

I had much pain in my hips. I couldn't run--I was just able to shuffle! I could only stand on my legs for a short time because of the pain. I was sleeping very poorly. All this made me very bad tempered. I was unable to live a normal life. Since I am my wife's care-giver, I still had to do all of the household chores and take care of her. The pain made this very difficult. I was frustrated. I had always been very active and healthy--when I lost my whels I felt as if it was the end of living as I knew it! Wong Chiropractic Center changed all that!! Dr. Kyle has gotten rid of the pain through his chiropractic adjustments. I have more movement in my hips and legs. I am able to stand on my feet for longer periods of time. I can't run as of yet, and I have to strenghten my leg muscles, but I feel so much better! I believe that chiropractic care should go hand-in-hand with regular medical care. Everyone should try it!

William T.

Before discovering Full Motion Chiropractic, I had no idea that my neck and spine had become so curved that it would have brought me pain and other problems later on in life. Prior to receiving treatment from Full Motion Chiropractic, other chiropractors I had seen were unaware of the sad state of my spine and neck, and so despite their adjustments, both continued to deteriorate. What surprised me most about the treatment and care I received was the use of x-ray technology to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the source of the patient's discomfort i order to better treat it. As of now, I can say my health has improved, and that I have also gained a stronger understanding of how to correct my spinal issues and take better care of myself as a whole. - Heidi D., homemaker

Growing up as a child of a chiropractor I have quite a few years of experience with chiropractic care. Dr. Wong's technique and knowledge of healing the body is excellent. My care has surpassed my expectations. His adjustments have just the right amount of pressure that is needed. I am impressed with his ability to explain the process of healing, and he has baked it up with great success. - Robin K., Business Woman

I met Dr. Wong more than 20 years ago at one of his motorcycle clinics. I learned a lot about motor cycles, and later went on to racing them.

Along the way, there were bumps and bruises from the motorcycles as well as life in general. Dr. Wong has been adjusting me during times of trouble, as we as general tune ups.

I always feel better after an adjustment, taller, and straighter. I appreciate his explanations of what is going on with my body. - Bob G., Engineer

I came to Full Motion Chiropractic barely able to walk from compressed discs in my lower back. After my corrective care, I was back to doing all the physical activities I had been doing prior to my injury. It has also helped my prior knee injury that I thought would never feel better again. ALL of the staff are amazing and truely care for their patients. - Willie M., Electrical Contractor

When I turned 42 I saw my doctor about lower back pain. My doctor was amazed that I was an avid runner at my age. I ran 20 miles per week. She suggested that i stop running. So, I did. My back pain didn't get better. As time pasted I developed sciatica. My doctor had me on physical therapy, pain meditation and had me seeing a sports medicine specialist. By 46, I had two spinal injections and could barely walk. At 47, I stepped into Doc Wong's booth at the motorcycle show in San Mateo. I started my adjustments soon after.

I'd like to say I got immediate relief. It wasn't so simple. I got better, then worse, then better. Eventually after 9 months of adjustment, I became pain free. I was doing special exercises to rebuild and strengthen my back.

Today at 50, I still get adjusted. I've become more active. I started bicycling again at 49 and later bought a new bike. I now ride regularly and recently took up mountain biking.

Looking back over the past 8 years, I now have goals in my life and am active. Whereas before, I look only at minimizing pain.

I’m now "young" again and exploring life once more!!!! - Paul VC, Engineer

In extreme pain all the way to my foot, I was told by medical doctors I had a 5-6mm bulge in my L5/S1 disc contacting my sciatic nerve. It got better (somewhat) over the next year and a half but I was always in some pain and took Motrin often to help. Full Motion Chiropractic took care of that. After 6 months of corrective care, I was pain free. Now after 3 years of care, my disc has been rehabilitated to nearly normal. Looking at the difference in the x-rays from the beginning to now is astonishing. I never feel pain anymore and always thank God I found this place. - Chris S., Department of Water Works

Dr. Wong and Dr. Johnny have been very helpful in our recovery from our accident. They have been flexible and accommodating with scheduling us and really helped strengthen out my daughters head, which was tilted to the left.

I have better health, les stress and more joy!!! Thanks to Doc Wong and Full Motion Chiropractic. - Maria G., Homemaker

Last week I was able for the first time in 26 years to do a special exercise of squatting and walking called “Duck Walking.” Wow, I can’t believe that…26 years! I also realize that it’s been months since my back has been bad. While it occasionally tweaks, instead of hurting for weeks, it settles back in a couple of hours. My neck rarely hurts and now I can do karate moves that were difficult to do before.

Add to that a prescription of riding my bike, kale juice, free motorcycle classes and an amazing staff, I have so much better health!!

What are you waiting for? Go see Doc Wong now! - Aleks H., engineer

Before I started care, my lower back, shoulders and ankle would give me sharp pain. I was limited with the activities I could perform. Since treatment, I am working out, playing sports and am pain free!!!

I had no clue my back was mis-aligned before coming here to get a full evaluation including x-rays.

Now I have seen vast improvements and I truly believe with continued care my health and longevity will only get better. - Brian B.

Before discovering Full Motion Chiropractic, I had no idea that my neck and spine had become so curved that it would have brought me pain and other problems later on in life. Prior to receiving treatment from Full Motion Chiropractic, other chiropractors I had seen were unaware of the sad state of my spine and neck, and so despite their adjustments, both continued to deteriorate. What surprised me most about the treatment and care I received was the use of x-ray technology to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the source of the patient's discomfort i order to better treat it. As of now, I can say my health has improved, and that I have also gained a stronger understanding of how to correct my spinal issues and take better care of myself as a whole. - Heidi D., homemaker

Growing up as a child of a chiropractor I have quite a few years of experience with chiropractic care. Dr. Wong's technique and knowledge of healing the body is excellent. My care has surpassed my expectations. His adjustments have just the right amount of pressure that is needed. I am impressed with his ability to explain the process of healing, and he has baked it up with great success. - Robin K., Business Woman

I met Dr. Wong more than 20 years ago at one of his motorcycle clinics. I learned a lot about motor cycles, and later went on to racing them.

Along the way, there were bumps and bruises from the motorcycles as well as life in general. Dr. Wong has been adjusting me during times of trouble, as we as general tune ups.

I always feel better after an adjustment, taller, and straighter. I appreciate his explanations of what is going on with my body. - Bob G., Engineer

I came to Full Motion Chiropractic barely able to walk from compressed discs in my lower back. After my corrective care, I was back to doing all the physical activities I had been doing prior to my injury. It has also helped my prior knee injury that I thought would never feel better again. ALL of the staff are amazing and truely care for their patients. - Willie M., Electrical Contractor

When I turned 42 I saw my doctor about lower back pain. My doctor was amazed that I was an avid runner at my age. I ran 20 miles per week. She suggested that i stop running. So, I did. My back pain didn't get better. As time pasted I developed sciatica. My doctor had me on physical therapy, pain meditation and had me seeing a sports medicine specialist. By 46, I had two spinal injections and could barely walk. At 47, I stepped into Doc Wong's booth at the motorcycle show in San Mateo. I started my adjustments soon after.

I'd like to say I got immediate relief. It wasn't so simple. I got better, then worse, then better. Eventually after 9 months of adjustment, I became pain free. I was doing special exercises to rebuild and strengthen my back.

Today at 50, I still get adjusted. I've become more active. I started bicycling again at 49 and later bought a new bike. I now ride regularly and recently took up mountain biking.

Looking back over the past 8 years, I now have goals in my life and am active. Whereas before, I look only at minimizing pain.

I’m now "young" again and exploring life once more!!!! - Paul VC, Engineer

In extreme pain all the way to my foot, I was told by medical doctors I had a 5-6mm bulge in my L5/S1 disc contacting my sciatic nerve. It got better (somewhat) over the next year and a half but I was always in some pain and took Motrin often to help. Full Motion Chiropractic took care of that. After 6 months of corrective care, I was pain free. Now after 3 years of care, my disc has been rehabilitated to nearly normal. Looking at the difference in the x-rays from the beginning to now is astonishing. I never feel pain anymore and always thank God I found this place. - Chris S., Department of Water Works

Dr. Wong and Dr. Johnny have been very helpful in our recovery from our accident. They have been flexible and accommodating with scheduling us and really helped strengthen out my daughters head, which was tilted to the left.

I have better health, les stress and more joy!!! Thanks to Doc Wong and Full Motion Chiropractic. - Maria G., Homemaker

Last week I was able for the first time in 26 years to do a special exercise of squatting and walking called “Duck Walking.” Wow, I can’t believe that…26 years! I also realize that it’s been months since my back has been bad. While it occasionally tweaks, instead of hurting for weeks, it settles back in a couple of hours. My neck rarely hurts and now I can do karate moves that were difficult to do before.

Add to that a prescription of riding my bike, kale juice, free motorcycle classes and an amazing staff, I have so much better health!!

What are you waiting for? Go see Doc Wong now! - Aleks H., engineer

Before I started care, my lower back, shoulders and ankle would give me sharp pain. I was limited with the activities I could perform. Since treatment, I am working out, playing sports and am pain free!!!

I had no clue my back was mis-aligned before coming here to get a full evaluation including x-rays.

Now I have seen vast improvements and I truly believe with continued care my health and longevity will only get better. - Brian B.

I’d thrown my back out twice in the past few years, also I’d wake up in the morning with a stiff and aching back. I knew there was something wrong but didn’t know what to do about it. After some recommendations and online research I found Dr. Wong. He and Dr. Johnny gave me a very professional and thoughtful evaluation. Then we began my treatments or adjustments. Within days my morning back pains were gone!! With Dr. Wong’s help my overall health was improved. I feel better and my back is becoming stronger and better aligned. I’ve recommended Dr. Wong’s practice to friends and family.

Mike M.

OK, where do I start?

I’d have to say it started ten years ago. I started getting lower back pains which go worse developing into numbness in my arms and hands. It affected my sleep and physical activities.

Luckily I was able to come across Dr. Wong’s office and amazing crew.

My improvements was not only relieving, but genuine. I can say my problems are gone for good!

Khoa H.

Nerve Pain Gone! Disc Problems Healed!!! 


Several years ago, I met Doc Wong through his Motorcycle Clinics, and decided to give him a chance to use his chiropractic skills on my back. I had worked with one excellent chiropractor in the past; otherwise, had my share of less than optimal chiropractic experiences, so I was leery. 

Doc Wong did the usual exams and X-Rays, and told me the usual things about my messed up back. But that was the end of “the usual”, because after a few visits, the adjustments started making a difference. The biggest change was that I gained mobility in my neck, and overall, a lot less pain in my back and knees. Things were going well! 

Then, in December of 2016, I hurt my lower back. I was pushing my motorcycle back into a parking chock, and the chock pushed back because it was stuck. I felt some pain and immediately knew something was wrong, but it was not particularly worrisome. A couple of weeks later, things got worse very fast, and I ended up in severe pain, unable to go about my daily life. 

A friend drove me to Full Motion Chiropractic, where Doc Wong took X-Rays, and a follow-up MRI showed that I had a herniated disk, swelling, and inflammation. Doc Wong said he could help. I asked him whether I would be able to ride my bike to Austin for Moto GP in April, and he gave me a cautious “maybe”. I was determined. 

My timeline for these months is muddled. I saw Doc Wong several times a week. A friend drove me until I was able to get back on my bike the first time. Pushing the helmet on my head hurt all the way down my back, but once I was riding again, I knew I was on my way to better. I still could not sit in a chair for more than a few minutes, so I worked lying in my bed and on the floor. I exercised some, but it was painful, and I could barely walk. I remember a lot of pain, and I remember Doc Wong being gentle and encouraging, and in addition to working on my back, always taking the time to listen to me. (Thank you Doc Wong!) 


In April of 2017, I did ride my R6 to Austin, TX, and back. It was challenging, but it gave me the reassurance that I would have a life I wanted again.

In May of 2017, two things happened. Doc Wong started using a new technique and protocol, ABC for Advanced Biostructural Correction, and I knew from previous experience that I needed to become strong to compensate for the damage in my back. The goal of physical therapy is daily functioning. I wanted a lot more. So, I hired a personal trainer with a background in rehab, and continued to see Doc Wong once or twice a week. 

Fast forward to May 2018. One year later, the combination of Doc Wong’s new protocol along with strength training have brought amazing changes. 

• I can turn my neck far enough to see behind me, without grinding sounds or pain. The neck pain that had been bothering me for years has become a rare thing. 
• All problems with herniated discs (I have multiple) have dramatically improved. I have better mobility and flexibility than ever since I busted my first disc in my early twenties. 
• The chronic pain in my mid-back is gone. 
• The pain in my upper back is better and continues to improve. After 40 years of pain, I don’t expect an instant cure. But that it’s getting better, is truly amazing. 
• My knees are not hurting anymore. I am starting to experiment with low-impact running. 
• I am stronger and fitter and overall healthier than I have been for several decades. 
• I have resilience. If I do something that upsets my back, or stumble, I may feel a tweak or some pain, but it does not go on a downward slide back into pain purgatory. 

I still am in pain, often, especially when I first get up in the morning. Some of this is a consequence of working out hard, and Doc Wong releasing the adhesions in my back, some of it is is stress-related, some of it is arthritis. I have long hours during the day where I am pain free, and most importantly, I can do the things I want and love to do. I am confident that my back will continue to improve if I stick with the treatments and exercises that are working. 

What can I say? This stuff works. Thank you Doc Wong! 

Alex Haecky 
Developer Advocate, Google

patient standing in front of office

patient in race car

Feeling SO much Better After Suffering For 22 Years with Opioids, Surgery, and Epidurals  “I just wish that I had met Dr. Wong years earlier"

I went to Dr Wong's office for help after a car rear ended me in Oct 2017. I have had issues with my back and right shoulder/arm since a 1996 injury. The car accident amplified the pain. I was on Opioids and nothing was helping. Dr Wong started working with me 3 days a week. Now 10 months later I am feeling much better than before the accident and the best I have felt since my original accident in 1996. I just wish that I had met Dr Wong 20 years earlier before going through a neck fusion and 17 epidurals. 

Thanks so much!
Ed Marion

New Patients Receive a Free Consultation & Exam ($230 Value)


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